
Monday, May 2, 2011


When we said our wedding vows, we were confident that we had life figured out.  We were so in love and so excited to get to that honeymoon.  Well, hate to say it, but we don't have life figured out and we will never have life figured out.  I realize that.

Oh well!!

In between stressful days and our happy days, my husband Matt, shows unconditional commitment to Carsen and I.  What I mean is, I get stressed out because the ends of his jeans are hanging over the laundry basket and didn't make it all the way in the basket.  Yes, that bothers me badly and I have accepted that I am slightly OCD.  Matt gently reminds me to "RELAX" and I calm down. 

Things really don't stress him out.  I don't understand that either.  He is a confident smarty pants and I hate him for it somedays.

We have spent that past 3 months training for the Tinman triathlon.  Early morning workouts, late evening workouts, swim lessons to work on flip turns and stroke, long bike rides, sprint workouts, and Wednesday evening spin classes have brought us closer together.  We had the chance to work hard together, visit about a new hobby together, push and encourage eachother. 

Something about working out with Matt makes things so much easier!

I feel like when I had Carsen, it took a while for me to find myself again.  There are other mommy's I know that are able to bounce back like nothing changed and some who completely loose themselves.  I, on the other hand, am in between.  Finding balance between being a mom that meets my standards and being a supportive and respectful wife was hard for me.  Matt stood by my side...patiently!

(Matt is encouraging me in the background when I want to fall over)

I am so thankful for my husband who has shown me unconditional commitment when things are rough.  He makes me giggle at the end of every day and somehow is able to make me laugh no matter what.

Something about living life with Matt makes things so much easier!

I try to learn something new from every race I compete in.  When I complete a race, I feel stronger.  I feel as if I can get through challenges in life.  I love when I get home from a race, mark the race off from my list and plan another one.  This time it is even more fun.  I am not doing it alone.  Matt and I spent Sunday evening planning which races we want to do together.  I am inspired by my husband.  He completely taught himself how to swim competitively, bike like a mad man, and how to run with numb legs. Whether he is working during the week, training, playing with Carsen or spending time with me, he has proven commitment is one of his best qualities.  It has brought him far in life and it will be fun to continue to watch him inspire me!


Katie Fisher said...

Why Oh WHY do i cry every time I read your blogs?? You have such deep feelings and I can feel them along with you. You and Matt are a great team...and Carsen- the best little cheerleader! I am so glad I got to be there to help Carsen watch his amazing parents! You 3 amaze me! Love you!

Lisa said...

How exciting that you'll be doing a triathalon! I'm in awe (I definitely need to learn to swim and bike better before I could tackle that.)

Best of luck, and love the picture of you 3!

I'm Cassie... said...

I was waiting for this post! And when I was scrolling through all my new posts to read, I knew I had to put this one off 'til I could commit the emotional energy to read it.

I'm so happy you and Matt have this crazy racing stuff to do together.....I can tell it has brought you two even closer together. And I am just really amazed by how Matt trained into a tri-athlete in what seems to me like such a short amount of time. It's so beautiful how you gave him your knowledge and he gave you his time......I could go on and on!

I'm so proud and inspired! Rock on you guys!