
Monday, May 9, 2011

1/2 Marathon Training

My husband says, " This is so ridiculous," as he drove me 9 miles out in the country and dropped me off.  I am trying to quickly build my endurance for a 1/2 marathon.  Quickly, meaning 3 weeks.  Stupid, late night decision to sign up for the Fergus Falls 1/2 Marathon.  Tracking my workouts and races is something I wish I would have done a long time ago.  So, I will start to track and hope to learn some more about racing.

On another note, I am obsessed with my Garmin Forerunner.  It has changed the way I run.  I am constantly checking my pace and trying to push myself harder, rather than just go how I feel.  When I used to run 10 years ago, I just left the house with my shoes.  Now, it is pretty high tech.  I have my ipod laced throughout my shirt, a Garmin on my wrist, my cell phone in my pocket...what will I be running with in another 10 years?

I realized today how glad I am that I am not training for a marathon.  Dodging dogs, the wind and the humidity has worn me out. 


Amanda said...

You crazy lady! That is awesome that you are doing the 1/2 marathon.

Hope the dogs you were dodging were not my dogs!

Good luck. And if you need someone to watch Carsen when you are working out, give me a call. I would love to!

I'm Cassie... said...

You are crazy! But I think it's great! And you can do this!

And I'd love to watch Carsen, too, if you wanna run over here.....and find yourself some wild asparagus along our roads while you're at it!

Lisa said...

Woo Hoo - happy 1/2 training!

I still have yet to get a Garmin, but my phone has a GPS and ap that will tell me my distance and pace with (usually) accurate results.

It's great to push yourself, but I find that occasionally I like and need to run "unplugged" with nothing but my running clothes and shoes too. Can't wait to hear how the rest of training and your race goes!

Alissa said...

It would take me 1 year, 13 days, and 23 hours to even run 9 miles.... and you did it in 1 hour, 13 minutes, and 23 seconds..... Crazy lady!