
Tuesday, June 14, 2011

My Evening Run

As I head out of the door for my run tonight, I decide to leave the Ipod and Garmin at home.  To run by how I feel again, not by what the numbers tell me.  It feels so good to head out the door with a clean house and both the boys in bed.  My hubby is so exhausted from getting up every morning at 5:00 A.M. to workout, that he can hardly wait to cuddle up with Carsen in our bed.  He informed me this morning that he ran with the Morris running club.  I paused for a good 10 seconds before responding. 

"You're kidding right?" 

He says, "No, why would I be kidding.  You don't think I would run with Jen Lund, Mark VanOverbeke and bunch of other guys?"

I still don't believe him, even though he insists that he ran 4.1 miles at about 8:30 pace and 6:30 pace the last part of the run.  My husband, in a running club. What in the world happened to my husband?!!  I am amazed.  Since he is showing me up, I decide to push it a good 6 miles tonight.  I was more excited to actually go out and run in the rain.  I am wearing my favorite Nike jacket.  Listening to the drops hit the thin material is soothing.  The sky is dark and it is quiet outside.  I believe everyone in the neighborhood has settled down for the night.  Just a few lights are shining from inside.  Something about running on a calm Summer evening makes me feel so good.  I push it through the first 3 miles and start to notice the rain running down my biceps.  The song in my head is a really poor choice for a Summer evening.   A Christmas carol...I know it sounds pathetic.  I won't mention which one.  I would hate for anyone else to think about Christmas at this time.  Multiple things run through my mind.  I wonder when I will feel ready to have another baby, if I will ever be able to handle life with another child.  I wonder how this weekend will go when I get to hold another Nephew for the first time.  He got his braces in the mail today and I can hardly wait to show them to Carsen.  I wonder if I will be able to spend enough time with my 2 nephews and niece so that they know how much I love them, even though I live 9 hours away.  Will my hair turn out okay tomorrow even though my sister-in-law isn't doing it for the first time in many years?  Will Carsen be good while the brunette graciously takes care of him while she has a free day to herself?  Will the spinach tortellini salad be good on a rainy day tomorrow?  Does my mom know how much of an Angel she is to her family?  I could go on and on, but I would hate to drive you all insane!  I think a lot and that is why I run.  I have many worries over small things.  Running a long distance helps me clear my brain of little questions like these.  By the time I am home,  I feel so refreshed. 

What do you do to help yourself unwind with this crazy life?  Do you workout?  Do you complete a certain task?   I am curious, what helps you to breathe again?


Alissa said...

Kelly, don't worry about your hair, only I can worry about it for you! I liked this post! Agreed that Peg is an Angel! & I am sure the tortellini salad will be great! lol!
How do I unwind? hmmmm I don't think I ever unwind! I would have to say checking FB and Blogs is really relaxing for me. Sometime Mark will interrupt me while I am reading and I have to tell him to leave me alone to have my moment with the posts.... So sad, but true! I also find just laying down in my bed alone (maybe a cat or 2 on my chest) and thinking about my day is the best! It doesn't happen very often though!
I do want to know the Christmas Carol you were singing in your head..... I still have my N'sync Christmas CD in both vehicles. I love Christmas! I think I was an Elf in my past life! ;)

Amanda said...

Wow! I am so proud of you and of Matt---I think he is addicted.

I am pretty sure that you know how I unwind...a good book...eating good food...dabbling in photography...pulling weeds. Yep, that about covers it.

I wish that I had your drive to work out or to run. Someday maybe you can light a fire under me:)

BTW-- I had a TON of fun with Carsen today! He is so good. I am insanely jealous of his eye lashes.

I'm Cassie... said...

I really don't know how I unwind.....maybe reading blogs? maybe gardening? I did get out this morning before the kids woke up and did my stupid run/walk thing with the dog - run 4 telephone polls, turn around walk back 4, run 4, walk 4......all while listening for the kids. It did feel really good....

And I am jealous over how much you love running. I mean, I'm happy for you, but wish I had a little bit of that in me.

And all those thoughts in your head! I get that! Sometimes I wish we could tape record it, just to hear the insanity that goes through our heads sometimes! But look.....your hair turned out great! Carsen was perfect for Amanda. The salad was amazing. Time to make room for more thoughts!