
Tuesday, June 14, 2011

I ran the 1/2 marathon in Fergus Falls 2 weekends ago.  I was prepared and tapered.  My long runs were completed faster than I had ever run.  My body was in such good shape.  My good running friend helped talk me through the best way to train in 3 weeks.  I was so pumped to break my record from 2 years ago.   I had a great race at Grandma's 10 years ago.  My sister and I ran a 1/2 in 1:39 mins.  We hauled it and kicked major you know what.   My goal for this race was to break 1:50.  Now that I am a mother of one,  I decided to push it hard core for 3 weeks and break my lousy time from Fargo, which was 1:54. 

I started the race feeling awesome. 

The first 7 hills in the first mile were conquered and my pace was right one track, 7:45.  I won't go through all the details, but lets say in the next 11 miles, I had to walk 4 times.  I expected hills.  So, I ran hill repeats until my heart rate was too high.  What I didn't expect, was that the course would be constant hill after hill making it impossible for me to get back to my pace.

Mile 11

You didn't think I would actually put a picture of me walking did you? :)

At mile 11, my mom was cheering me on while sitting on the curb.  This voice inside of me said, "just stop Kelly, just sit on the curb next to your mom, no one will ever know you quit!"  I was seriously so close to dropping out.  I lived in Fergus for 3 years and ran the hills for 3 years, but did those hills grow since I have been gone?  It was the most challenging course I have ever run.  Do you know what got me through the next mile?

That kid in the orange.  The cute little stinker that pushes through more than anything I have ever witnessed.  If he could do it, then I can and MUST do it.  It is only fair.

I am so thankful to have a husband that is so supportive.  He pushed me through the last 1/2 mile.  He talked me through every breath and every painful step.

I didn't make my goal.  I ran 4 minutes slower at 1:54.  I was still proud of myself though.  I completed it for no one other than myself.   Another race checked off the list.

My Dad is the reason I started to run.  I was so happy to have him there to support me.

Cooling off in the shade.  I love my boys.
Katie even came to cheer me on! 

Ethan decided to wake up for the finish!  I was so happy to have him there!

Are any of you running any race's this summer?  I challenge you to even complete a 5k walk!  Watch out though, it may become addicting!!


LindaW said...

You go girl! Run for Carsen.

I'm Cassie... said...

I'm proud of you for finishing even when you didn't want to, and it is so sweet that Matt helped you through the last mile!

I always enjoy seeing photos of you running!

Lisa @ Cow Spots and Tales said...

You ran a strong race; congrats! Sorry you didn't quite hit your goal time, but I still think it's pretty impressive. I'm still waiting to train well enough to break 2:00. :-). Love the pictures too!

Alissa said...

Really Kelly? A month since you last posted? I am disappointed! I know you have some blogs ready, so get to it!