We all sit on the sidewalk that leads to the new house on the block. We reminise about raising kids, the old times, parenting, trucks, golfing, and a lot of other very random topics, while we pull rocks out of Carsen's mouth. Ky says, "I want to visit with you guys." He wants to be included in our fun girl talk. The boys are playing in the gravel with the trucks. We are having a blast outside. The four of us ladies giggle until the sun sets.
One of my favorite things to do in the Summer is visit with the girls and enjoy the beautiful weather. Having fabulous neighbors makes a big difference in life. I feel as if they are family. They see me in just about every imaginable outfit. Even the dreaded glasses. EEK!
Matt arrives home from golf league and mows the lawn. We take deep breaths in and smell the freshly cut grass and enjoy the patterns he makes.
My nightly routine is to check out the garden and take a million and a half pictures of our landscaping. Most of them don't turn how how I would like. I am in love with my shrimp plant I got from Lou's for $ 2.49.
My garden looks nothing like the blonde and the brunette's. I envy their garden's.
They are voluptuous.
They are just plain gorgeous.
(I am talking about their gardens...they are pretty girls but I usually don't use the term voluptuous with them.)
Here is a shot that I totally overedited but love the look of.
My Garden is NOT perfect, however...
The weather is perfect.
The temperature is perfect.
The neighborhood is perfect. I am in love with where we live and who is surrounded by us.
Our backyard view! Love it!